*See the video and find out: Launch of our publication on an _Extended Country by Country Reporting Standard_ and supporting investigations at the Freedom of Information Foundation in Oslo, 19th January 2012.* (Subtitles for the videos…
*Innledende innlegg:* _Korrupsjon i domstolene og kvinners rettssikkerhet i Guatemala._ Jennifer Bravo, advokat, "Mujeres Transformando El Mundo": (MTM), Guatemala _Politisk korrupsjon…
The background for the report In many countries north and south of the equator, citizens are asking whether lucrative deals to extract their countries’ non-renewable and finite natural resources provide meaningful investment opportunities to…
This is a panel debate in Norwegian with Norwegian experts. (Texted in English). Debate leader: Kjetil Wiedswang, commentator in Dagens Næringsliv. (Financial news paper). *Panelists include*: * Roger Schjerva, State Secretary, Ministry…
Full speeches are available per speaker, and a video summary of the event is posted at the bottom of the list. *Sverre Thornes, Group CEO, KLP: Roger Schjerva, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Finance: Raymond Baker, Director,…
See videos from the 4 April launch of the legal report on implementation of country-by-country reporting in Norwegian law. h4. Comments by Norwegian organisastions and the state secretary h4. Legal technical clarifications on legal…
*Se videoene fra lanseringen av journalist og forfatter Nicholas Shaxsons bok, _Treasure Islands_ og den påfølgende debatten med norske skatteeksperter som fant sted på Litteraturhuset i Oslo 4. februar 2011.* Se intervjuet med Nicholas…
*Se videoene fra lanseringen av journalist og forfatter Nicholas Shaxsons bok, _Treasure Islands_ og den påfølgende debatten med norske skatteeksperter som fant sted på Litteraturhuset i Oslo 4. februar 2011.* Se intervjuet med…