Centre for Public Integrity

Name of representative
Thomas Selemane (Coordinator, PWYP Mozambique)

Contact details:

Tel: +258 824284050 E-mail: thomselemane9@gmail.com


Centre for Public Integrity of Mozambique was created in 2005. Its work focuses on anti-corruption, good governance and transparency. It has programmes on electoral issues, mineral and natural resources, local governance monitoring and field research.

Organisation contact details:

Visiting address: 903 Amilcar Cabral avenue, 1st floor, Maputo, Mozambique Postal address: P.O. Box 3266, Maputo, Mozambique Tel: +258 21 327661; + 258 82 301639 Fax: +258 21 327661 E-mail: cipmoz@tvcabo.co.mz

Type of organisation