23. februar 2011
*At the G20 meeting this weekend, British authorities announced that they will work to establish EU rules for the oil, gas and mining sector. Sign an online petition asking Minister of Finance, George Osborne, to follow up with a public statement in support of Publish What You Pay regulations.*
The petition, initiated by the organization ONE, notices the problems that the lack of transparency creates in Africa.
We encourage everyone to sign the petition and distribute it in your networks.
p=. "*View and sign the petition*":http://one.org/international/actnow/uk/transparency/
*The Observer, the Guardian and Bono supports Publish What You Pay regulations* Sunday 20th February The Observer reported that British authorities on the finance ministers' G20 meeting announced support for Publish What You Pay regulation in Europe. George Osborne made the following statement to The Observer: _I strongly believe it’s in everyone’s interest that mining companies and others operate to the highest standards. That’s the way to ensure some of the world’s poorest benefit from the wealth that lies in the ground beneath them._ The Observer itself "supported the same regulations in their editorial":http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/19/observer-editorial-africa-regeneration and Bono announced his "support for Publish What You Pay regulations in an article about Africa's future, pg. 27":http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/20/bono-africa-economic-growth
p=. "*View and sign the petition*":http://one.org/international/actnow/uk/transparency/
*The Observer, the Guardian and Bono supports Publish What You Pay regulations* Sunday 20th February The Observer reported that British authorities on the finance ministers' G20 meeting announced support for Publish What You Pay regulation in Europe. George Osborne made the following statement to The Observer: _I strongly believe it’s in everyone’s interest that mining companies and others operate to the highest standards. That’s the way to ensure some of the world’s poorest benefit from the wealth that lies in the ground beneath them._ The Observer itself "supported the same regulations in their editorial":http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/19/observer-editorial-africa-regeneration and Bono announced his "support for Publish What You Pay regulations in an article about Africa's future, pg. 27":http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/20/bono-africa-economic-growth