1. What does ForUM work with?
ForUM consists of over 50 environmental-, development- and peace organizations in Norway. ForUM is a meeting place and a professional expertise that works with policy development and advocacy. ForUMs vision is a democratic and peaceful world based on equity, solidarity, human rights and ecological sustainability.
2. Why did ForUM choose to become a member organization of PWYP Norway?
ForUM is working broadly on common policy developments in international environmental and development issues. Financial transparency in the extractive industry is a very important part of this, and PWYP Norway is sitting on a special expertise and networks, which is important for ForUM to take part in. We have therefore chosen to become a member organization of PWYP Norway.
3. What is the added value of PWYP Norway for the Norwegian civil society?
PWYP Norway is working specifically with financial transparency and extractive industries. The topic may seem narrow and difficult to access, but the decisions and policies in this area are of great importance for democracy, human rights, development and the environment. PWYP Norway has a unique depth of knowledge. This makes them an important resource for those organizations looking to highlight the themes in their own work, and a key driver for debate and knowledge sharing on the theme.