Research Conference March 18th 2019

Making transparency possible - Interdisciplinary dialogues 2019
Join a highly competent team of economists, financial analysts, professors in economics, journalism and communications and international investigative journalists for the 3rd research conference in the series “Making Transparency Possible - Interdisciplinary dialogues”
WHERE: Oslo Metropolitan University, Auditorium "Athene", Pilestredet 46, Oslo.
WHEN: 18th March, 2019
This year´s conference will focus on
Financial Secrecy and the impact of investigative journalism and cross-border collaboration on the public understanding of illicit financial flows.
Speakers at the conference include:
- Anya Schiffrin, Director of Technology, Media and Communication specialization of Columbia University´s School of International and Public Affairs
- Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor at Columbia University and winner of the 2001 Nobel
- Memorial Prize in Economics
- Kalle Moene, Professor of Economics at University of Oslo
- Richard Sambrook, Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff University and former Director of Global News at BBC
- Frian Aarsnes, State authorized public accountant and expert in extractive industry taxation and fiscal design.
“ There is a growing global consensus that the secrecy-havens—jurisdictions which undermine global standards for corporate and financial transparency—pose a global problem: they facilitate both money laundering and tax avoidance and evasion, contributing to crime and unacceptably high levels of global wealth inequality”
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mark Pieth
“ International accountability is an issue for lawyers, economists, politicians and lobbyists, scientists, health care professionals, academics, accountancy, business and finance professionals, and more. In a modern approach to accountability journalism, newsrooms should seek to partner and collaborate outside their profession as widely as possible, being open to the expertise of others.”
Richard Sambrook
“ The journalists of the past used some of the same techniques as the journalists of today: they went undercover, they looked for witnesses, they interviewed survivors and they tried hard to verify what they had heard second-hand. The people who opposed their reporting also used tactics we know today; hiring lobbyists, lawyers and public relations people, applying soft pressure and sometimes resorting to violence.”
Anya Schiffrin
Programme 18th March.
Making Transparency Possible conference - Interdisciplinary dialogues 2019
Registration, tea/coffee/fruit
Keynote by Anya Schiffrin, "Investigative journalism in the extractive industries"
Introduction and moderation by Linn Anker-Sørensen
Anya Schiffrin is the director of the Technology, Media, and Communications specialization at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. Her most recent books are African Muckraking: 75 Years of African Investigative Journalism (Jacana 2017) and Global Muckraking: 100 Years of Investigative Reporting from Around the World (New Press, 2014).
Keynote by professor Joseph Stiglitz, "Secrecy, Transparency and Globalization"
Introduction and moderation by Kalle Moene
Followed by a conversation with professor Kalle Moene
Joseph E. Stiglitz is University Professor at Columbia University, the winner of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, and a lead author of the 1995 IPCC report, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. At Columbia, Stiglitz co-chairs the Committee on Global Thought and is founder and co-president of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue. He is the author most recently of The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future.
Kalle Moene is professor Economics, University of Oslo, Norway and heading ESOP - Centre for the Study of Equality, Social Organization and Performance at University of Oslo, which is funded by The Research Council of Norway as part of the Centres of Excellence.
"What needs to be done to make transparency possible?"
Introduction and moderation by Mona Thowsen.
Trond Eirik Schea, Director of the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (Økokrim), Hans-Christian Holte, Tax Director at the Directorate of Taxes (Skattedirektoratet), Idar Kreutzer, Director of Finance Norway (Finans Norge) and Jon Lomøy, Director at the Norwegian Organisation for International Development (Norad).
Frian Aarsnes, "What needs to be done to make transparency possible? Forensic auditing and investigative journalism".
State authorized public accountant with 24 years of experience from working with and working in extractive industries, Frian Aarsnes has experience from both the private and the public side of the industry. He is an expert in extractive industry taxation and fiscal design.
Mr. Aarsnes is principal consultant at Econ Pöyry. He is also chairman of Publish What You Pay Norway and has contributed extensively to PWYP Norway's reports.
Download and read presentation:20190318 Making Transparency Possible - Frian Aarsnes.pdf
What is the impact of investigative journalism on the public undestanding of illicit financial flows?
Introduction and moderation by Kristin Orgeret.
Daniela Quirós Lépiz, Burkina Faso/Costa Rica, Mwanyengwa Ndapewoshali Shapwanale, Angola/Namibia and Craig McKune, South Africa.
Richard Sambrook, Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff University. Previously, Sambrook was Director of Global News at the BBC where he worked as a journalist for 30 years as a producer, editor and manager.
Paralell sessions I
Panel I: Classrom
- Associate Professor, Birgitte Kjos Fonn, (Oslo Metropolitan University): What someone wants to be kept in the dark. An analysis of the Norwegian Panama Papers coverage.
- Associate Professor, Maria Know-Lund, (Oslo Metropolitan University): The Normalization of Actors within Investigative Journalism in Emerging Media Platforms
Panel II: Classrom
- Senior researcher Aslak Orre and Professor Emeritus Helge Rønning (University of Oslo): 'When the Curse comes before the Resources: Defrauding Mozambique.
- Professor of Law And Economics, Tina Søreide and PhD Research Scolar Kasper Vagle, (Norwegian School of Econoics): De facto efficiency standards in the context of negotiated settlements
Session III
Panel III: Classrom
- Professor of Accounting, Louise Crawford (Newcastle University Business School) and Professor of Accounting Jim Haslam (Sheffield University Management School): Exploring the impact and diffusion of payments to governments disclosures in practice.

(Photo: PWYP Norway)

(Photo: PWYP Norway)

(Photo: PWYP Norway)

(Photo: PWYP Norway)

(Photo: PWYP Norway)