Human rights

Diario El Universo

Contact details:

Tel: +593 87 681149 E-mail: czurita(at); cz1970(at) *Languages:* Spanish


Diario de mayor circulación en Ecuador, con relevancia en temas políticos, económicos y sociales.

Organisation contact details:

Address: Veintimilla E9-26 y Leonidas Plaza, Edificio Uzieel, piso 8. Quito, Ecuador Tel: +593 2 2555990, ext 206.

Catholic Relief Services - Zambia

Contact details:

Tel: +260 977 426663 E-mail:;


CRS is an international humanitarian and development agency of the catholic community in the United States. CRS Zambia provides health, shores up food security, support vulnerable children, and mitigate the devastating impact of HIV and aids. The agency also integrates justice and peace work. CRS Zambia works through local partnership with Catholic dioceses, NGOs and health care facilities.

Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO)

Contact details:

Tel: +256 782 407085 E-mail:


AFIEGO is a registered NGO aiming to promote good energy governance through public policy research and policy advocacy.

Organisation contact details:

Address: Plot 90, Kanjokya House, Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda. P.O. Box 34913 Tel: +256 414 571597 E-mail:

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