Research Conference March 18th 2019

Making transparency possible - Interdisciplinary dialogues 2019
Join a highly competent team of economists, financial analysts, professors in economics, journalism and communications and international investigative journalists for the 3rd research conference in the series “Making Transparency Possible - Interdisciplinary dialogues”
WHERE: Oslo Metropolitan University, Auditorium "Athene", Pilestredet 46, Oslo.
WHEN: 18th March, 2019
This year´s conference will focus on
Financial Secrecy and the impact of investigative journalism and cross-border collaboration on the public understanding of illicit financial flows.
Speakers at the conference include:
- Anya Schiffrin, Director of Technology, Media and Communication specialization of Columbia University´s School of International and Public Affairs
- Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor at Columbia University and winner of the 2001 Nobel
- Memorial Prize in Economics
- Kalle Moene, Professor of Economics at University of Oslo
- Richard Sambrook, Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff University and former Director of Global News at BBC
- Frian Aarsnes, State authorized public accountant and expert in extractive industry taxation and fiscal design.
“ There is a growing global consensus that the secrecy-havens—jurisdictions which undermine global standards for corporate and financial transparency—pose a global problem: they facilitate both money laundering and tax avoidance and evasion, contributing to crime and unacceptably high levels of global wealth inequality”
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mark Pieth
“ International accountability is an issue for lawyers, economists, politicians and lobbyists, scientists, health care professionals, academics, accountancy, business and finance professionals, and more. In a modern approach to accountability journalism, newsrooms should seek to partner and collaborate outside their profession as widely as possible, being open to the expertise of others.”
Richard Sambrook
“ The journalists of the past used some of the same techniques as the journalists of today: they went undercover, they looked for witnesses, they interviewed survivors and they tried hard to verify what they had heard second-hand. The people who opposed their reporting also used tactics we know today; hiring lobbyists, lawyers and public relations people, applying soft pressure and sometimes resorting to violence.”
Anya Schiffrin