What is TRACE?

TRACE (“Transparency and Accountability in Extractive Industries”) is a capacity strengthening programme for civil society organisations, journalists and workers’ unions from resource rich countries in the South, run by PWYP Norway.



TRACE was initiated as a response to civil society demand from colleagues working in resource rich countries in the global South, that coalitions in the North should take more responsibility for developing and facilitating capacity strengthening on extractive industry issues. PWYP Norway designed the TRACE programme by drawing upon the combined experiences from various stakeholders:

The global Publish What You Pay network

The global PWYP network mobilises and organises hundreds of civil society organisations from resource rich countries all over the world on issues of transparency and accountability in the extractive industries.

Our member organisations, particularly Norwegian Church Aid
Norwegian Church Aid website
See all our members

Norwegian Church Aid is one of Norway’s largest humanitarian organisations with partners all over the world, and with extensive experience in humanitarian and development aid, and advocacy work. NCA is also an ACT member, which is an alliance of more than 100 organisations working in 125 countries.

From 2008 to 2011, as Publish What You Pay Norway did not yet have its own legal organisational status and apparatus, Norwegian Church Aid took part as an administrative partner. From 2011 PWYP Norway took over the administrative role.

With over 20 years’ experience, PETRAD draws on the combined expertise of the Norwegian oil and gas industry to facilitate knowledge and experience transfer between managers and experts in governments and national oil companies about petroleum management, administration and technology.

In the period 2008-2011, Petrad was a partner on Module 1 in the programme, which was held in Stavanger, Norway.

Norad and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We have also drawn upon institutionalised knowledge in Norad and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Norad has been our key financial partner since the inception of the programme.

Regions, participants and approach

The programme is offered in one pre-defined region at a time. The regions are determined by geographical and linguistic factors. When putting together a region, we also make an assessment of where there may be most potential to achieve results, based on relevant experiences from other actors in the field. See where we have had the programme so far.

When we open a new round, applications from all eligible candidates are considered. The participants apply online, and applications are screened by PWYP Norway, according to the selection criteria. The final selected group consists of 20-30 participants. The participants must represent and be supported by an NGO, workers’ union or media that are engaged in issues related to the extractive industries and transparency in their country.

We apply a participatory approach in our programme, which means participants actively take part in shaping the content to meet their organisations’ needs and the programme goals. Structurally, the programme consists of two pedagogic modules, which are arranged as seminars or trainings of 1-2 weeks’ duration each. These are the main two events and meeting points for the participants during the programme. In addition, work is conducted individually or in country groups, in between the modules.

Financial support

The TRACE programme is supported financially by Norad

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