January 26, 2010
As we work in a constantly changing environment, the programme has been adjusted over the years. We have a constant focus on what works well and why, what does not work well and why, and how we can do better.
From 2013, the programme will be made up of "two interdependent modules":en/trace/about-trace/structure/how-programme-structured, where Module 2 builds on the knowledge gained in the previous module, and where work done before and after the modules is important.
h3. A participatory approach
We apply a participatory approach both in the development of the programme content and in the execution of the programme, in order to adapt the content to regional and country priorities. The programme is designed to be flexible, so we can focus on what is deemed important at any moment.
In return, from the participants that take part in the programme, we expect strong motivation, dedicated commitment and direct involvement in sharing and shaping parts of the content and implementation.
* In consultation with their organisations, the participants submit training needs assessments before each module.
* Participants take an active part in skill building activities, discussions and sharing sessions during the modules.
* Participants are required to draw up and report on a communication plan for sharing the knowledge gained in the programme both internally in their own organisation and with their wider network in between modules.
* Arranging Module 2, PWYP Norway cooperates with one of the participating organisations. Which organisation and country is chosen to host Module 2, is decided during Module 1. It is based on a discussion in the group of participants and on pre-defined criteria and requirements for hosting. The organisation that accepts the task of hosting Module 2 will the get an institutional benefit of hosting an international event together with PWYP Norway.