Oil and gas activity in West Africa is thriving with over 10% of the world's crude oil coming from this area. There are still vast oil reserves off shore, and at least 34 Norwegian companies have thrown themselves into the battle for the black gold.
The Norwatch report "Norsk olje- og gassindustri i Vest-Afrika" ( _Norwegian oil and gas industry in West Africa_ ) provides an overview of Norwegian companies that have received contracts in West Africa. The area is defined as a broad belt consisting of 24 countries from Mauritania in the north to Angola in the south. At least 34 Norwegian companies have thrown themselves into the battle for the black gold, but only four are oil companies. The rest are specialized suppliers of goods and services to oil and gas industry.
The report is written by Liv Marte Nordhaug for Norwatch.
*Read the report* (in Norwegian only):