"Treasure Islands" - a new book about tax havens by Nicholas Shaxson
"Treasure Islands" - a new book about tax havens by Nicholas Shaxson
February 1, 2011
*Welcome to book launch with author and journalist Nicholas Shaxson og debate about tax havens at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, on Friday 4th February.*
Where: *Litteraturhuset* (Wergeland), Wergelandsvn. 29, Oslo
When: *Friday 4th February, 10am-12pm* (coffee and tea from 9.30am)
Free entry. Book will be sold for NOK 100,-
Confirmed panelists:
* Håvard Holterud, avd. dir., Oljeskattekontoret,
* Kim Fredrik Giertsen, under dir., Skatt Øst
* Frian Aarsnes, statsaut. revisor, EconPöyry
* Hans Petter Tetmo, Skatterevisorforeningen and Tax Justice Network Norway
* Prof. Frederik Zimmer, Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo
Debate leader: Kjetil Wiedswang, commentator in Dagens Næringsliv
h3. About the book
In _Treasure Islands_ Nicholas Shaxson explains how tax havens function and why they are connected to secrecy, corruption and harrassment.
On 8th and 9th January, The Guardian published to large excerpts of the book:
* Excerpt 1, "The Truth about Tax Havens":http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2011/jan/08/jersey-tax-haven-nicholas-shaxson?INTCMP=SRCH
* Excerpt 2, "The truth about tax havens: part 2":http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jan/09/truth-about-tax-havens-two?INTCMP=SRCH
Nicholas Shaxson has also published an explanation of what a tax haven is in a short article featured in the Guardian: "What is a tax haven":http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jan/09/explainer-what-is-tax-haven?INTCMP=SRCH
For more information about the book, go to "treasureislands.org":http://treasureislands.org/
A documentary thriller called "Cashback":http://www.cashbackmovie.com/ is also in the making and scheduled for release next year. The movie is based on the book and being made by Nick and Marc Francis, who also made the movie "Black Gold":http://www.blackgoldmovie.com/
Nicholas Shaxson is also the author of _Poisoned Wells. The Dirty Politics of African Oil_ (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007).
_Supported by Norwegian MFA's_ "Dialogue Project":http://www.regjeringen.no/nn/dep/ud/kampanjer/dialog_forside/dialog_lansering.html?id=621437