Subsidies or incentives for the oil industry on the Norwegian shelf?

image *Breakfast meeting: Thursday 16th February, 8.30am- 10.30am, Litteraturhuset, Oslo.* *A review of different schemes, in order to assess if they should be considered subsidies or not according to WTO definitions.* Organiser: "The Global Subsidies Initiative": For any questions related to content or participation, please contact GSI directly.  
*Information from GSI:* _The "Global Subsidies Initiative" (a programme of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, IISD) has published a report on subsidies to oil and gas production in Norway. The study contributes to a series of country reports that seek to improve the transparency of global subsidies provided for fossil fuel production. The Norwegian study identifies nine subsidies, six of which cost around NOK 25.5 billion in 2009._ _A public seminar is being held to launch the report in Oslo. The purpose of the seminar will be to present the study’s key findings and seek a range of views on the theme "subsidies or incentives?"._ _Panelists include:_ * Peter Wooders, Senior Economist, International Institute for Sustainable Development * Svend Søyland, Senior Advisor, Energy and Climate Change, Bellona * Frian Aarsnes, Senior Consultant, Econ Pöyry * Bjørn Harald Martinsen, Manager, Economics, Norwegian Oil Industry Association * Arild Skedsmo, Leader of the Climate and Energy department, WWF-Norway _For registration, please send an email to Piret Noukas ~(Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland/Statoil)~