November 25, 2016

- I live a in a "perpetual twilight zone of taking chances,” Lemma Tsedale, editor of Addis Standard to BBC
- We might write about petty corruption, but even if we know about the large corruption schemes, we do not comment on them, Lemma says.
According to Lemma, she needs to carry out a high degree of self-censorship.
- To know what to write and not to write is crucial knowledge if one is to survive as an independent newspaper in Ethiopia, she says.
Knowing what to write, however, proved not to be enough for Lemma. About just a month ago, Addis Standard was forced to shut down it´s paper edition. How is it (im) possible to carry out investigative journalism in a country which is at the bottom list when it comes to press freedom?
Come and hear Lemma Tsedale speak on the topic at our conference ”Making Transparency Possible”!