April 23, 2013
*Publish What You Pay Norway wishes to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and to generate debate on issues of financial transparency and extractive industries, and we organise various events, such as debates, seminars and conferences. To make the content accessible to a wider audience, we film most of our events. A lot of material is thus available for those who wish to familiarize themselves more with the issues we work with. Follow the links below to find the films.*
"8 April 2013: *Silence is Golden*":node/16080
Debate meeting at Litteraturhuset in Oslo
Organisers: Amnesty and PWYP Norway
Language: Norwegian and English (Daniel Reeves' presentation)
"20 March 2013: *Korrupsjon og kapitalflukt, eller åpenhet?*":node/16044
Debate meeting at Litteraturhuset in Oslo
Organisers: Save the Children, KLP and PWYP Norway
Language: Norwegian
"20-22 November 2012: *Financial secrecy, society and vested interests*":conference-2012/presentations-and-videos/videos-and-presentations-financial-secrecy-conference
Three day conference on financial secrecy
Organisers: NHH Norwegian School of Economics and PWYP Norway
Language: English
"19 January 2012: *Extended country-by-country reporting*":http://www.pwyp.no/en/what-extended-country-country-reporting-standard-why-it-needed
Report launch at Fritt Ord Foundation
Organiser: PWYP Norway
Languages: Norwegian and English
"22 September 2011: *Women, corruption and capital flight*":video-seminar-women-corruption-and-capital-flight-oslo-22nd-september
Seminar at Utviklingshuset in Oslo
Organisers: JURK and PWYP Norway
Languages: English, Spanish, Norwegian
"21. september 2011: *Launch of _Piping Profits_*":video-launch-piping-profits-report-interview-nick-mathiason
Seminar at Litteraturhuset in Oslo
Organiser: PWYP Norway
Languages: English, Spanish
"23. mai 2011: *Global investors for financial transparency*":videos-23rd-may-investor-meeting-country-country-reporting-global-investors-financial-transparency
Conference on country-by-country reporting
Organisers: KLP and PWYP Norway
Language: English
"4. april 2011: *How to include country-by-country reporting in Norwegian law?*":see-videos-launch-cbcr-report
Seminar at Utviklingshuset in Oslo
Organiser: PWYP Norway
Languages: Norwegian, English
"4. februar 2011: *Launch of the book _Treasure Islands_*":videos-interview-nicholas-shaxson-and-norwegian-tax-experts-discussion-tax-havens-and-extractive-ind
Book launch at Litteraturhuset in Oslo
Organiser: PWYP Norway
Languages: Norwegian, English
The films are also available on "our youtube-channel":http://www.youtube.com/user/PublishWhatYouPay?feature=mhee