February 20, 2011
*According to The Observer today, George Osborne states that the coalition government supports Publish What You Pay regulations in Europe. In today's editorial, the Observer supports the same regulatory demands.*
Geroge Osborne states:‘I strongly believe it’s in everyone’s interest that mining companies and others operate to the highest standards. That’s the way to ensure some of the world’s poorest benefit from the wealth that lies in the ground beneath them.’
This was addressed at a meeting between the finance ministers at the G20 yesterday.
The Observer also "supports Publish What You Pay in an editorial at page 28":http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/19/observer-editorial-africa-regeneration
In The Guardian, Bono also supports demands for Publish What You Pay regulations in an "article about Africa's future, page 27":http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/20/bono-africa-economic-growth