Publish What You Pay Norway is the Norwegian chapter of the global Publish What You Pay network which organises and mobilises over 650 civil society organisations from over 70 countries in campaigning for transparency and accountability in the payment, receipt and management of revenues from the oil, gas and mining industries.
Work areas for PWYP Norway:
Network building, facilitation and coordination, nationally and internationally
- Build and sustain a civil society network in Norway supporting the transparency and accountable governance of natural resource management. PWYP Norway’s member organisations represent a considerable part of the Norwegian population. PWYP Norway hosted the first international strategy meeting for PWYP, which coincided with the EITI meeting in Oslo in 2006 which gathered more than 500 representatives from the world’s resource rich countries.
- Develop relations with projects for policy analysis and development and relevant academic institutions, in order to identify possible synergies and cooperation.
- Advise and facilitate for Norwegian CSOs working with the thematic issue, and serve as a resource for information about or contact with the wider PWYP-network.
- Maintain dialogue with relevant decision makers in Norway and abroad, and develop partnerships and projects in cooperation with civil society, authorities, investors and other stakeholders in order to further the campaign´s goals.
- International coordination: Contribute in developing international strategies and liaise with the network worldwide, through working groups or ad hoc, in implementing strategies and campaigns.
Analysis, knowledge building, and political advocacy work
- Manage, develop and implement advocacy campaigns
- Monitor and analyse Norwegian political discourse and positions on issues of transparency and accountability in the extractive industries and the coherence with international development work on natural resource management, promoting the adaptation and implementation of improved policies. We have had a particular focus on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Ministry of Finance.
- Monitor and influence the Norwegian Oil for Development programme (OfD) in order to secure the establishment of funds for civil society in resource rich, developing countries. We have also shared key information from the network regarding OfD’s activities in specific countries and challenged OfD to create a transparent programme that includes civil society in dialogues and processes.
- Coordinate and conduct advocacy work and lobbying, collect and share relevant information from a variety of stakeholders across governments, private sector and civil society, on issues of transparency, tax and accountability in natural resource and revenue management both nationally and internationally.
Country-by-country reporting
- In all processes, work for binding regulations for financial reporting, for the extractive sector. Our work with the proposal for an extended country-by-country reporting standard and towards the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is key in this work.
- One of the campaign´s initial goals was for Norway to implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). Norway now implements the EITI as the first OECD country, and is formally accepted as an EITI country. We have also worked for Norway to host and finance the EITI secretariat
- PWYP Norway serves on the Norwegian EITI multi-stakeholder working group, together with other civil society representatives, the government and private sector.
- EITI resources:
- Initial workplan
- Workplan 2010
- Regulation regarding reporting and reconciliation of cash flows from petroleum activities
- Forskrift om rapportering og avstemming av pengestrømmer fra petroleumsvirksomheten
- Kongelig resolusjon for fastsettelse av forskriften
- Kongelig resolusjon for oppnevning av interessentgruppen
- EITI-veiledning
- Guidance for completing EITI templates
Information work
- Raise awareness on issues at stake through external information work and cooperation with key interest groups.
- Motivate and facilitata the coverage of relevant issues in Norwegian media by suggesting topics for coverage, organising press briefings and seminars on critical issues, issuing press releases, providing background information, and arranging for interviews with relevant sources.
Capacity strengthening for civil society
- Develop, implementing and oversee TRACE, a capacity strengthening programme for representatives from organisations, media and workers’ unions in resource rich countries. For more information about TRACE, please go to the TRACE-pages.
- Connect the participating organisations in TRACE to international political advocacy work and possible international or regional allies.
You can read more about our background under history and our rationale for working as a global coalition.
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