*-Will the Minister of Finance promise that extended country-by-country reporting will be based on transparency with regard to the eight key accounting figures requested by the general public?, Hans Olav Syversen (Christian Democratic…
*-Will the Minister of Finance promise that extended country-by-country reporting will be based on transparency with regard to the eight key accounting figures requested by the general public?, Hans Olav Syversen (Christian Democratic…
*-Global transparency in the world economy is necessary are we to build sustainable societies, says Finland's Minister of International Development and Green politician Heidi Anneli Hautala.* Together with her European colleagues Eva…
*The Ministry of Finance is expected to imminently publish its proposal for a Transparency Act governing ”extended country-by-country reporting”. This will require the Government to take a view on whether the general public shall get…
*OPINION: Strong powers may prevent the new Transparency Act on extended country-by-country reporting from being premised on real accounting figures. This may result in reporting being diluted, less credible and more expensive to…
*-The Norwegian State's own oil company tries to strangle new regulation that can hinder corruption and tax evasion*, writes Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen. -Statoil has gone from being an advocate for transparency to be saboteurs…
*But the law stands. Companies must prepare to report on the new US transparency law.* *Statoil confuses* The Norwegian hearing process of the proposed law on country-by-country reporting ended the 2nd of August. In their…
*A majority of the members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, fronted by the Progress Party, the Conservative Party and the Christian Democratic Party, support extended country-by-country reporting requirements.*. …
*The issue of a convention to promote transparency in financial matters and combat closed structures that are likely to impose losses and damage on other jurisdictions (tax havens) has been discussed in Norway at regular intervals. Is…
*The issue of a convention to promote transparency in financial matters and combat closed structures that are likely to impose losses and damage on other jurisdictions (tax havens) has been discussed in Norway at regular intervals. Is…