PWYP Norway has sent a letter to the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, and asked for clarification regarding the new regulation on country-by-country reporting."PWYP Norway has monitored the process for several years. We are very…
PWYP Norway has sent a letter to the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, and asked for clarification regarding the new regulation on country-by-country reporting."PWYP Norway has monitored the process for several years. We are very…
The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has ended its hearing on the strategy for responsible investment for the The Government Pension Fund Global of Norway. The Government Pension Fund Global is the biggest state investment fund in the…
The Socialist Left Party says it will demand the country-by-country reporting standard to also include tax havens. The case can be discussed in the Norwegian Parliament in May. - There is a political majority in support for strong…
Recommendation from the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs concerning direct taxes, indirect taxes and customs duties for 2014 – Legislation proposals* *30.1 Summary of Proposition No. 1 (2013-2014) to the …
THE FIGHT AGAINST CAPITAL FLIGHT CONTINUES PRESS STATEMENT 6th of December On the evening of the 5th of December, the Norwegian Parliament passed a new legislation that can ensure more transparency on the operations of Norwegian…
In January, a new legislation will be introduced in Norway that might prevent capital flight and ensure a greater degree of transparency. Three activists from the civil society in South Sudan, Uganda and Ghana explain why this law is vital for…
*An important step is achieved in the fight for transparency as the Norwegian government has decided to introduce extended country-by-country reporting from 1.1.2014. Yet the failure to link the reporting to the consolidated financial…
*A majority of the members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, fronted by the Progress Party, the Conservative Party and the Christian Democratic Party, support extended country-by-country reporting requirements.*. …
*The Ministry of Finance is expected to imminently publish its proposal for a Transparency Act governing ”extended country-by-country reporting”. This will require the Government to take a view on whether the general public shall get…