1. What does Norsk Øko-Forum (NØF) work with?
Norsk Øko-Forum (Norwegian Eco-Forum) is an interdisciplinary interest organization for employees in agencies and companies that work against financial crime. The association works for increased cooperation between different groups, in order to slow down the development of economic crime in the best possible way.
2. Why did Norsk Øko-Forum choose to become a member organization of PWYP Norway?
The association has traditionally worked against the obvious tax crime, but sees that unethical tax planning can also lead to tax evasion. Accountability of large international groups will be the first step on the road to preventing tax evasion and securing income for the countries where business is conducted. Unequal distribution of values on a global basis constitutes a continuous threat to life and health in poor countries, and a solid tax system is a prerequisite for social growth and security.
Norsk Øko-Forum aims to focus on account transparency, because this ensures civil society insight into the mechanisms used by international business and industry, and can expose abuses.
3. What is the added value of PWYP Norway for the Norwegian civil society?
Norsk Øko-Forum has historically only worked nationally, but sees that Norway, based on its solid national economy, should be able to take a position as a pioneering country internationally, also in this field. We see PWYP Norway as a spearhead in this work. A work that for the entire Norwegian civil society has previously been unknown and / or undercommunicated.
A strong public, international focus on the problem is a premise for success, and PWYP Norway is an important piece in this effort.