
Below is a collection of PWYP Norway’s publications, sorted by publication month. We welcome you to download our publications and background material, of course without any cost, but please quote us explicitly if you use any of our material in your work (”Title/PWYP Norway/”). The contributing illustrators and photographers have copyright to their material.

Finansiell Åpenhet: Grep for å styrke demokrati og rettferdig fordeling

Report by Norwegian MFA as part of the Dialogue project

For mer informasjon les RORGs beskrivelse om Dialogprosjektet kapital for utvikling.
(UDs nettsider for Dialogprosjektet er ikke lenger tilgjengelig)

Summary: Artikkelsamling utgitt av Utenriksdepartementet som et ledd i Dialogprosjektet kapital for utvikling. Samlingen inneholder forslag fra prosjektets samarbeidspartnere, og PWYP Norge har bidratt med artikkelen “Utvinningsindustrien og de sju sekretessemekanismene – Hvorfor vi trenger en land-for-land rapportering” (s.12-26).

(Norwegian only)

Publication date:

OLD VERSION: An extended country-by-country reporting standard. A policy proposal to the EU.

NOTE: This is an old version of the report. In November 2013 we published a re-written and updated version, please find Version 2 via this page.

Sammendrag: 2/3 of the poorest people in the world live in resource rich countries. Natural resources has the largest value creation potential to mobilize own capital, but profit often ends up elsewhere. Today, the extractive industries can transfer significant profits out of the source country before it is taxed. One simple policy proposal will give investors and other constituents the instrument to follow their money.

What does the reporting template of the extended country-by-country reporting standard look like? Does the proposal cover Dodd-Frank?

Publication date:

Finansiell Åpenhet: Grep for å styrke demokrati og rettferdig fordeling

*Report by Norwegian MFA as part of the* "*Dialogue project*": *Summary:* Artikkelsamling utgitt av Utenriksdepartementet som et ledd i Dialogprosjektet kapital for utvikling. Samlingen inneholder forslag fra prosjektets samarbeidspartnere, og PWYP Norge har bidratt med artikkelen "Utvinningsindustrien og de sju sekretessemekanismene - Hvorfor vi trenger en land-for-land rapportering" (s.12-26). _(Norwegian only)_

Publication date:

Protection from derivative abuse


  • Extractive industries are big users of a financial instrument called derivatives, which can be abused to transfer revenues out of host countries before it is taxed.
  • The value behind all derivatives is 10 times the world GDP.
  • One simple policy proposal can be enacted upon unilaterally to stop abuse, while protecting proper use of these instruments. 

Read the short 4-page briefing of the report.

Publication date:

TRACE Briefings 2010-2011

Summary: As a step in completing the TRACE programme, the 2010-2011-participants have worked together to produce short briefings on four selected topics: “contract transparency”, “environmental issues related to EI”, “indigenous peoples´ rights and EI”, and “illicit financial flows and secrecy jurisdictions”.

The hope is that these briefings will be useful for those who did not have the chance to join in the programme, but would like insight into the topics.

You man also download the briefings separately

Publication date:

Piping Profits


  • In this report PWYP Norway has attempted to unravel the labyrinthine corporate structures created by some of the world’s biggest energy and mining companies.
  • Few details are known about the murky and expansive networks of extractive companies and their subsidiaries.
  • PWYP Norway seeks to clarify this picture by finding out how many subsidiaries companies have and where these are located, also establishing through this process how many are located in secrecy jurisdictions. Please feel free to read our report, briefing, and navigate in our database

Read more and browse data in the Piping Profits database.

Read the short 4-page briefing of the report:

Publication date:

Defining Elements (draft paper for discussion)

Sammendrag: Defining Elements outlines which concrete elements should be made subject for regulation in a full country-by-country reporting standard for the extractive industry. It is based on input from CSOs, tax experts, accounting experts, private sector, and PWYP Norway´s experiences with other processes. This is a draft for discussion, and input in writing is appreciated (input gathering is now closed).

Publication date:

How should country-by-country reporting for companies in the extractive industries be introduced in Norway?

Summary: This brief legal report, commissioned by PWYP Norway and written by the Norwegian law firm, Arntzen de Besche, suggests how Norway can implement a country-by-country reporting regulation in Norwegian law, that easily can open up for further and necessary regulation.

The report summarizes the ongoing processes in the US and EU, and provides a legal consideration of a suggestion for how a Norwegian law text for the extractives sector can be based upon this.

Publication date:

Striking Oil: Blessing or Curse?

Summary: The first round of PWYP Norway’s capacity strengthening programme was concluded in December 2009. UK based INTRAC and PWYP Norway have developed a paper in the Praxis Note-series, seeking to capture the lessons learnt from the first round of the programme; a practical experience of capacity development with CSOs in seven African countries to promote greater transparency over oil revenues.

Publication date: