Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge, Sverige og USA er enige om å fremme åpenhet og ansvarlighet i utvinningsindustrien og nye EU-regler på området.
USAs president Barack Obama møtte de fem nordiske regjeringssjefene under sitt besøk til Sverige 4. september. I etterkant av møtet ble nedenforstående pressemelding sendt ut, hvor de seks landoverhodene gikk sammen om viktigheten av åpenhetsarbeid innenfor utvinningsindustrien: Source: "The White House press office.":
Advancing Global Development
As leaders in providing development assistance, we agree on the strategic, economic, and moral imperative of global development and humanitarian aid. We are committed to aggressive efforts to accelerate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs). The MDGs continue to be a symbol of our common humanity and a statement of the world’s commitment to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, combating disease, achieving gender equality, free quality education for all, and environmental sustainability, thus extending hope and opportunity to billions across the world.
We note the opportunities for using trade to boost economic growth and reduce poverty in developing countries, as well as the importance of promoting human rights and gender equality. In addition, we agree that vaccination through GAVI represents one of the most cost-effective approaches to save children’s lives and that with enhanced efforts, polio can be eradicated within this decade. Together, we envision a unified post-2015 agenda that addresses poverty, inclusive growth, and sustainability in clear, ambitious, and measurable goals.
The United States and Nordic countries are critical donors in fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide. We commend the reforms and results achieved by theGlobal Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria and will work together to ensure a successful replenishment. In a demonstration of strong leadership, a number of Nordic countries are together pledging $750 million, with over $150 million in increased funds, for the Global Fund replenishment, subject to parliamentary approval. This funding will leverage $375 million from the U.S. challenge pledge of $1 for every $2 donated. These historic multilateral investments will work to turn the tide against these three devastating diseases.
Access to electricity continues to be one of the most significant hurdles to economic growth and development. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, more than two-thirds of the population is without access to power. To support a doubling of electricity access in sub-Saharan Africa the United States and Nordic countries have expressed our support for the Power Africa initiative and agree to work together to provide technical assistance, financing, and other support to enable additional investment in energy projects throughout the region.
In support of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), we agree to promote transparency and accountability of expenditures and revenues related to the extraction of natural resources, including through support to the multi-donor trust fund for EITI or the EITI Secretariat. EU member states Denmark, Finland, and Sweden intend to quickly transpose the EU Accounting and Transparency Directive, which requires mandatory disclosures of payments made to governments for extractive and logging projects.%*
Foto: Martina Huber/Regeringskansliet/Statsministerens Kontor_