Torsdag 31. januar arrangerer Norad en evaluering av "Olje for utvikling (OfU)": for å diskutere erfaringene med programmet som ble opprettet i 2005 for å hjelpe utviklingsland med forvaltningen av sine petroleumsressurser.
"Seminaret" vil bli arrangert i Norads lokaler og tar sikte på å drøfte en evalueringsrapport som ble offentliggjort 23. januar: Facing the Resource Curse: Norway’s Oil for Development Program. På seminaret som åpnes av utviklingsminister Heikki Holmås, vil rapporten som er laget av Scanteam på oppdrag fra Norad først bli presentert av Scanteams leder Arne Disch, og deretter vil rapportens hovedfunn og konklusjoner bli diskutert.
I rapporten skriver evalueringsteamet blant annet følgende om hvor viktig det er å få oversikt over kapitalstrømmene fra den globale utvinningsindustrien: OfD focuses on building a stronger, more competent and accountable public sector in order to address the resource curse challenge.
And this is no doubt required: in a series of studies, Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Norway points to a global mining- and petroleum industry that is taking increasingly sophisticated steps to minimize local taxation and maximize its own share of revenues from the non-renewable resources taken out of the ground. While a lot of the governance discussion regarding the resource curse has focused on the problems related to corruption, this clearly is only one part of the picture, and according to the data provided by bodies like Global Financial Integrity (GFI), it is in fact a very small share of the picture as far as illicit capital flows are concerned: it is various forms of intra-firm pricing and financial schemes that is the greatest contributor to local tax evasions (see box 7.2).
Assisting national authorities to get their “fair share” of the petroleum resources may thus become an increasingly difficult task – and this includes the legitimate share from national oil companies controlled by predatory elites in their own countries.