January 9, 2013
On 28th January Concord Denmark, a network of development NGOs, arranges a conference named “Tackling Tax Havens and Illicit Financial Flows – How the EU and Nordic Countries can take the lead” in Copenhagen. Among the presenters attenting the conference, are EU Commissioner for Taxation Mr. Algirdas Šemeta, leader and founder of Tax Justice Network, Mr. John Christensen, and Norway’s State Secretary for International Development, Mr. Arvinn Gadgil.
The conference is a one-day event, and will be held in Børssalen in the Danish capital. The conference has three main sessions: ”Setting the agenda”, ”How EU initiatives can tackle tax havens and illicit financial flows”, and ”How Denmark and the Nordic countries can take a lead”.
ccording to Concorde Denmark ”there is still a great need for mutual inspiration between Denmark, the Nordic countries and the EU on how to curtail illicit capital flows and close tax havens, especially in the light of the needs of developing countries. In particular, a discussion on how Denmark can take the lead in the area and push the agenda forward in the EU is very important.”