On the occasion of The International Anti-Corruption Day we are hosting a breakfast seminar at Litteraturhuset in Oslo on the 9th of December together with UNDP Norway.
Fighting corruption and tax avoidance is a global concern. Enormous capital flows are often not going where they should have been going. While this affects both rich and poor countries, poor people are disproportionately affected. We need to have a needed debate on how we can break the chain of corruption and tax avoidance in order to secure investments in education, health, institutions and all those elements that can create stable, democratic and sustainable development. Lack of transparency contributes to a downward spiral with inequality, instability, poverty, conflict, and is a dominant factor driving fragile countries towards state failure.
Anti-Corruption Day
The International Anti-Corruption Day is commemorated every year on 9 December. Governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, the media and citizens around the world are joining forces to fight this crime. This year’s campaign theme is Break the Corruption Chain.
The campaign focuses on how corruption and tax avoidance undermine democracy and the rule of law, lead to human rights violations, distort markets, erode quality of life and allow organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security and well being to flourish.
To commemorate the day, Publish What You Pay Norway and United Nations Development Programme’s Oslo Governance Centre are hosting a breakfast seminar on how to Break the Corruption Chain.
When: 9 December 2014, from 09:00 – 11:00
Where: Amalie Skram, Litteraturhuset, Oslo
A light breakfast is served from 0830hs. We encourage you to let us know if you are coming by registering your interest on UNDP Norway’s Facebook page, and to help us share information about the event. Youth are particularly encouraged to attend to join us in breaking the chain of corruption and tax avoidance.
See and sign up for the event on Facebook here
Questions raised at the event:
• How do corruption and tax avoidance affect development and democracy?
• What can we do to break the chain of corruption and tax avoidance? What works?
• Are our politicians willing to do what it takes? How can youth push our politicians?
Confirmed panelists
Mona Thowsen, Secretary-General, Publish What You Pay Norway
Gro Lindstad, Director, FOKUS
Jamshed Kazi, Acting Director, UNDP Oslo Governance Centre
Comments by Sofia Mazariegos and Gonzalo Ale Pezo, students at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Ås)
Moderator: Aranzazu Guillán Montero, Advisor at the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
Social media
All attendees will have the chance to take a picture with a Break the Corruption Chain poster, all of which will be posted on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook. Pictures will also be posted online ahead of the event. Hash tags to be used are #breakthechain and #policynotsecrecy.
Video recording
The event will be recorded and a video will be posted online on the webpages of UNDP and PWYP Norway after the event.